Lionel Town Hospital

Brief History

Efforts to ascertain the year of origin of the hospital proved futile but older folks (senior citizens) in the communities said that its existence has been since the beginning of the sugar plantation, to facilitate the workers during the 19th century. The hospital formerly comprised of 98 beds, but was rationalized in 1975 when the number of beds was reduced to 60. A Hospital Supplies Fund was then put in place by the former Member of Parliament, Hugh Lawson Shearer, to assist in the provision of food for the hospital, when necessary. There was a further rationalization in the 1990's resulting in a further reduction in the bed complement to 45 beds, serving both male and female patients on one ward. Since March 2016 the male patients were relocated to the refurbished male ward and this resulted in an increase in bed complement to 47 beds.

About Us

The hospital is situated in Lionel Town on the Vere Plains. It is a 60 bed Type C hospital with a bed complement of 47. This facility serves a population of some 36,000 persons in the parish of Clarendon. The hospital is staffed by clinical, administrative and support staff and provides services in the disciplines of Minor Surgery and General Medicine along with monthly clinics in the disciplines of mental health, nutrition, high risk antenatal and paediatrics. The hospital is situated in an industrial area consisting of Jamalco Bauxite Plant and Monymusk Sugar Factory.

Services Offered

  • Inpatient/Outpatient Services
  • Emergency 
  • Outpatient Mental Health Clinic
  • Minor Surgical Cases
  • Diagnostic Care (ECG)
  • Obstetric and High Risk Antenatal Clinic
  • Paediatric Services
  • Wound Care
  • Counselling and Pharmaceutical Care
  • Dietary and Counselling
  • Physiotherapy
  • Medical Labaratory Services 

  • Bed capacity - 60
  • Bed complement - 47
  • Annual Patient load - 28000
  • Classification/Type - Type C Hospital

Meet The Team

Our Vision:

We aspire to be the biggest little hospital in central Jamaica. Small in size but big in service.

Ms. Nadine Preddie

Ms. Nadine Preddie

Chief Executive Officer, Lionel Town Hospital

Ms. Nadine Preddie
Dr. Andre McKenzie

Dr. Andre McKenzie

Senior Medical Officer, Lionel Town Hospital

Dr. Andre McKenzie
Mrs. Nichola Fowler-Higgins

Mrs. Nichola Fowler-Higgins

Director, Nursing Services, Lionel Town Hospital

Mrs. Nichola Fowler-Higgins